BlueHaven French Bulldogs



I want to thank you for Blue Lakely! I renamed her Indigo and she is the best dog ever. My fiancé and I just love her to death. She has brought so much joy to our lives. I can just look at her and smile. She is such a clown, the way she sleeps, eats, barks, it’s all very different to what I’m used to seeing in a dog. But hilarious! And loving, such a loving dog.

I get compliments all the time from people who meet her. Everyone loves her. I always refer people to your website.

I attached some photos of her, I have tons more if you would like to see them.

Wish you all the best!

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BlueHaven French Bulldogs’ website invites customers to easily connect with their team for personalized assistance, inquiries about available French Bulldog puppies, or any other related concerns.

we specialize in breeding and selling high-quality French Bulldog puppies


For more information on current or upcoming puppies, Please Call
BlueHaven at 435-770-5708