We Love Getting Puppy Updates
One of the best things about being a breeder is all the puppies and dogs that we get to fall in love with – whether they are a part of our lives for a few years or as short as a couple months. Each one is so unique, special, and unforgettable. It is a hard thing to say good-bye, and nothing makes us happier than for those of you who have adopted a BlueHaven Frenchie to keep in contact with us (whether you adopted a puppy or a retiree). We appreciate all of you who have done so – we love to know how they are doing and to see them grow. A special thanks goes to those who have sent us a testimonial (we appreciate your time and kind words) and we invite any of our clients who would also like to be a part of our page to feel free to do so.
– Trygg

We are enjoying having two frenchies. Auggie loves his sister and they love to cuddle. Auggie has such a great personality and love his coloring. Thanks again for breeding such wonderful loving frenchies!
– Martha & Thad

Just wanted to send you a few pictures of Dexter (formally Axel). He is a super little guy who sleeps through the night from the day we brought him home. Dexter has a massive personality, and Cody and I can’t imagine life without him! He is very smart and learned basic commands easily. He is such a cuddler and loves nothing more than being with his people. The vet said that he was a beautiful and tough Frenchie, because he didn’t make a noise when he was microchiped and given his shots. Thank you so much for your dedication to this breed and providing us with a quality puppy. We would like to know when you have another litter because we would be interested in another little boy to complete our family. Dexter weighs 14 lbs now and is growing nicely! Thank you again for Dexter he is loved so much, and we are so happy that we stumbled into finding him!
– Cody and Joleen

- Kristen & boy
Hi Donna, Lacey & Blue Haven Family,
I meant to email you earlier, but I wanted to say we LOVE Hank (formerly known as Robbie). Meeting the puppy Nanny was easy and smooth at the airport! Hank was love at first sight. He is wonderful and has such a funny personality, fits right into our family.
He has been sleeping through the night (10/11pm – 6 or 7am) in his crate since the first night. I took him for his Vet check last Thursday and they said he was perfect! Thank you so much for making this so easy. You all made this whole process so easy and were so quick to respond to any and all questions I had. He was the best early Christmas gift for our family.
Happy Holidays!

– Catherine, Nick, Kolbie, Dieter, and Natty
Hi All!
Happy Holidays! Just thought I would write to give you an update on our Dieter. Thank you again for doing what you do, and raising such amazing dogs! Dieter is loved by all who meet him, and he has met several people on his adventures this year. Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of us picking Dieter up from the airport. I can’t believe it has only been a year, it seems like Dieter has been a part of our family forever. He has had a happy and healthy year, and just weighed in at 22 lbs. I think he is pretty perfect in every way This year Dieter went to the snow, camping, swimming in several lakes, hiking, and was the star of our daughter’s animal themed 6th birthday. We learned he is a “glamper”, he does not enjoy sitting on dirt and much prefers a camp chair. In fact, he likes to be comfortable when he sits and will often sit on our other dog’s or cat’s tails (see pics below).
He loves playing with his Aussie brother Natty, his kitty sisters, and his guinea pig brothers. Dieter loves eating plants, trees, and sticks. He also likes watching TV (he really watches!). Dieter loves anyone who comes to the door, and has absolutely zero watchdog abilities, which we love about him (our Aussie has that department handled). In fact, we recently moved and our new neighbors didn’t know we had dogs because he is so quiet. However, he will viciously attack the vacuum if given the opportunity! Dieter enjoys visiting with our 92 year old neighbor across the street, and she loves cuddling up with him. I love this little dog so much!
Our hearts are full with this little guy, however, we are considering getting him a friend that is more his speed. Our Aussie is slowing down, and we recently puppy sat for our friend, which Dieter loved (our Aussie did too because he got left alone when he didn’t feel like playing anymore!) How long is your wait list these days?
Thank you again for everything!!

Good morning Blue Haven Family!
We can’t express enough how much love, joy, and humor Leroy (formerly Chad) has brought to the family! He is such a mischievous, but entertaining boy. He loves to play with Grandma and Grandpa’s big dogs and to chew on everything! He is the talk of our neighborhood; so good with all of the kids. Everywhere we take him we are told how good looking he is. Thank you so much for choosing us to be his human parents! I’ve attached some photo’s of him, but you can stay up to date by following him on Instagram @bullyleroy
We hope you all are having a great weekend and congratulations on your recent litters!
Warm wishes!
– Emily, Josh, and Leroy

Good afternoon,
I just wanted to let you all know how much joy Pierre (previously Linus) has brought to our lives! We can’t take him anywhere without a dozen people coming up to us asking about him. He is the sweetest, craziest, cutest, cuddliest, puppy! He is training quickly and has made so many new friends! He gets along with just about any dog and is the life of the dog park! We are so grateful to BlueHaven for making our dream of having the most perfect frenchie baby a reality! I have recommended you to so many people who have said they’re thinking about getting a frenchie, because You made the experience of getting a frenchie so easy and calming for new frenchie parents. We (I) have been considering getting P a little sister in the near future.
Again, we are so thankful for you all!
– Marissa & Tyler

Mowgly (now known as Hank) with his new BFF!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you guys an update on Hank (Mowgli). He is the center of every minute in my girls day. From playing house, “helping” knock down leggo towers, and playing keep away. Thanks again for the final piece of our little family.
– Mowgly’s New Family

– Cameron’s New Family
Wanted to let you know it all went very well and the kids were very surprised! There were tears of joy and excitement – it was wonderful!
Night went well – I had my hand in her kennel so she could sleep – she would make sure it was there and then fall back to sleep. She slept from 9:30-4am not bad
Updates: the name for Cameron is in debate – all the kids are stuck on one name. A little name drama – it’s amazing, even my older kids who are moved out made the name drama. They want to name her too – they all love her and we are on day 3.5 lol
Night 3 & 4 went much better…she is sleeping in her kennel all night and if she starts grunting, I just poke my fingers in her kennel and she touches them and then falls back to sleep. Easy enough! So cute.
She came into the office with me this morning and she did great! I baby gated my office off, set up a pee pad, bed, toys and water and she played then slept & she has been using her pee pad consistently the last 2 days and most all hits the pad! Yay!!!
She’s been doing errands with me in the kennel and she is quiet as we drive around Double yay! ??
Update: Cameron now Lily (Easter Lily) or (Silly Lily) weighed in at 9 lbs today for her shots and puppy check – she was the star of the vets office and my oh so sweet! My vet wanted to take her home!

– Danielle, Rich and Rowan
Hi BlueHaven!!
Hope all is well! Rich and I would like to thank you for the care and love you put into your breeding program. Rowan is a healthy and fun-loving Frenchie! We get compliments and questions of “where did you get her” all the time. Rowan (formally Kissy from the James Bond litter) is the most amazing dog. Not only is she cute as can be, she is also very smart. She was quickly potty and kennel trained. She’ll be 9 months this week and the 3 of us, have really hit our stride.
She wants nothing more than to be close to us at all times, and the feeling is mutual :). Living in Southern California, we are lucky that many places are dog friendly so we take Rowan on our outings as often as possible!
For future BlueHaven puppy recipients or those wanting to see a puppy’s progression, they can follow her journey @rowan_the_frenchie on Instagram. Rowan has recently made 100 followers!
We don’t have children (yet) but Rowan gravitates towards kids! She loves them and they love her! It’s incredible how much of a people person (dog) she is. With other dogs she is also very well behaved. She lays down for any dog and allows them to sniff her. She’s very submissive.
Rowan has enriched our lives in so many ways. She truly has become our best friend. We love her so much don’t know how we lived without her!!
For future Frenchie owners, please know like with any puppy, the first few months are an adjustment period. Rowan was quite mischievous while teething, but this too shall pass!! Make sure to provide toys (Nylabone or antlers) as an option for chewing. She’s nearly 9 months and she’s a dream. For Rowan, at 8 months she was completely through teething and frapping (running around like a crazy, yet funny dog ) Be patient, like all puppies they will learn and with training be much better.
As far as breeders, BlueHaven does it right! Breeding for health over everything is the best practice and its proven in the quality dogs they breed. They care about each and every puppy that leaves. From the first meeting with the puppy’s new family to following up afterward, they are involved. When I had questions about when to spay Rowan I received a reply within hours. It’s comforting to know we always have their expertise nearby. We recommend them to everyone who has asked. And we have been talking about possibly getting back on the list for a brother in the near future ;).
We’ve included some photos (past and present) of baby Rowan for you to enjoy.

– The Simmons Family
Hi BlueHaven!
We hope all is well in your neck of the woods. All is well here. We’ve had GiGi, formerly known as Sabrina, for nearly 9 weeks and thought we would check in.
Originally, when we listed our preferred colors, we did not select brindle, but as you can see, once we saw GiGi, we knew she had to be in our family. The timing worked out perfectly, and we were able to meet Bick & Donna in San Antonio just a few days after Christmas to pick her up, and surprise our 4 kids. We had a great time meeting Bick & Donna, and truly appreciated the wonderful care they gave our girl on her first big road trip.
GiGi is very well. She has had all of her immunizations/shots so we can sign-up for obedience classes soon. Now that the weather has warmed up, we are planning to visit our local dog park, that just opened last month. We weighed her last night, and she is just a few ounces shy of 11 pounds. She was 6 pounds when we received her so she has really beefed up quite nicely.
We take GiGi with us wherever we go, and let me tell you, she LOVES all of the attention she gets when we are out and about. Her favorite time of day is picking the kids up from school. We walk to and from school, and during our walks, she receives loads of hugs and kisses from little kids, and gives loads of kisses to them as well We are still working on walking on a leash, but for the most part, she does very well.
GiGi sleeps in her kennel at night. The first few nights she was home were rough, but it has been smooth ever since. She knows when it is time for lights out, and goes right in her kennel. In fact, a few times we have stayed up too late for her, and she has put herself in her kennel.
We have 4 kids, and they argue about everything under the sun, and now the constant argument is who gets to hold and cuddle GiGi first when they get home from school. I am telling you, this girl is not lacking in the love & attention department.
I will leave you with several pictures of our girl. Thank you, BlueHaven, for our precious GiGi! We absolutely adore her and can’t wait to make many more memories with her.

Dieter had an awesome first night. He didn’t like the original plan of sleeping in the kennel in our room….but he slept soundly all night cuddled up next to my pillow…? He doesn’t know what to think of the bunnies or the cats, so hopefully they will be friends soon!

Hi All,
Just wanted to give you a little update on Dieter. We LOVE him!! He is the cutest little guy ever. Everyone who meets him loves him, and he is very confident and social with people, dogs, cats, bunnies, you name it. He was quite the hit at Christmas! He definitely has a “big dog” personality in a little body! Dieter enjoys playtime with Natty, our bunny GusGus, and Kolbie, and sleeps snuggled up in our bed still…he is a good snuggler and sleeps soundly the whole night, so he hasn’t been kicked out to his crate. He is starting “puppy preschool” on Saturday, and I plan on getting him CGC certified eventually. He is doing even better than we expected, and is pretty much potty trained. He is very attentive, follows me around everywhere, and listens when I talk, doing the cutest little head tilt ever. We just can’t get over how adorable he is, and how lucky we feel to have him! He is thoroughly spoiled with more treats and toys than he could ever want, as well as a wardrobe of outfits to keep him warm in these cold winter months! Hope you enjoyed your holidays, and thanks again for such an amazing little dog.
– Catherine, Nick, Kolbie, Natty, and Dieter

– Amanda & Family
Hi all!
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Just wanted to send an update on Pearl (formerly Sinah). At nearly 4 months old now; Pearl is doing very, very well. She had her 3rd series of shots and vet check last week and is perfectly healthy. She’s growing wonderfully, weighing 10.1lbs, which is double her weight from when she got here. We plan to have her spayed in February or March.
Pearl has such a spectacular personality! She is funny and playful, yet sweet and cuddly. We hosted our large family for Thanksgiving, and Pearl was the center of attention.
She’s a quick learner; fully potty trained, perfect on the leash, and knows come and sit commands. Your quality breeding and care have surely played a great role in her good health and personality. We are so pleased with Pearl, that we are considering getting on the list for a sister for her, in the future.
If you have Instagram, you can follow Pearl @pearlthepintsizedfrenchie. If not, I’ve attached a few photos so you can see what a beauty she is growing into. Hope your family has a wonderful Christmas & New Years!

– Carol & Don
Hello all,
Beau (formerly Ephraim) had his wellness check today and he thought he looked “dapper” for the vet.
Everybody LOVED him and the vet says he’s quite a “Handsome” boy…..we agree!!!! He’s so smart, and is settling in with Aspen and Jimmer very well –
they’ve become very protective of him, and he loves playing in the leaves.
He’s all scheduled for his next two rounds of shots and had a nasal bordatella (sp??) today. He will probably be neutered between 6 – 8 months depending on how fast he grows up. He weighs 8.2 pounds and has the cutest little “snore”. After his check-up, the vet carried him out snuggling with him and said this is why he became a vet. He’s captured everyone’s heart he’s come in contact with. Thanks again for such a lovely addition to our home. BLUE HAVEN ROCKS!!!!!!
Thanks again, talk to you soon.

– Karolina
Dear BlueHaven,
I know, it has been a long time, way too long… but Piper and I have finally found some time to check-in. Piper formally known as Violet has been with us for 3 months and we cannot get enough of her. She’s very smart and learns very fast, in fact she’s graduating puppy college next week. Everywhere we go people love her, she gets a lot of love and attention all around. She’s so cute… everything a French bulldog should be. She’s crazy about milk-bone treats that i love to spoil her with but she also eats up her daily NuVet vitamins like it’s candy
She truly enjoys them. We make sure she’s well taken care of, all shots and puppy check-ups are completed and she’s doing great. I can’t thank you enough for her. She’s truly my little bundle of joy. Once again thank you for being the best breeder a pet owner can ask for. You guys truly do an amazing job with Frenchies and for this I am very thankful.
Attached couple of pictures from our puppy life.

Thank you so much for letting us provide Sunny his new home!! His name will be Rami (pronounced Rah-Mee). Little guy is already knocked out in his kennel after a good meal and two hours of play time. He is so handsome!
Bick, Donna and Lacey,
We have now had Rami (formerly Sunny) for almost a week. We must admit we are sleep deprived ? but we are so very much in love. Day 3 & 4 were SUPER challenging but I think he is starting to really settle in and is beginning to respond to his name now. He is getting the command “come” down very well and we are working on “sit.” Potty training is going pretty well and he seems to be headed in the right direction.
Most importantly, I cannot express how thrilled I am that he has meshed well with our cat Goose (who is afraid of EVERYTHING!) He never chases or barks at him and we have caught them nose to nose just checking each other out. We never thought that would happen!
Here are some photos of Rami in his new home. Thank you Blue Haven!!! More updates to come
– Kayla and Bill

Donna, Bick & Lacey,
Please excuse my delay in getting back to you guys on our most recent addition to the family. We took Petey home on January 28th, 2015 and I cannot say enough about how awesome our furry friend is!
He has the most perfect temperment and personality and it is abundantly evident he grew up with a loving family. He is about 5 and 1/2 months now and we have not had ANY obedience or potty training issues to speak of. He is a perfect angel! He is very well socialized with both puppies , people, and babies!
Thank you so much for being the best breeders one could ever hope for!
We are already wanting to sign up for the waiting list as Petey can’t wait to meet his future brother, Chester!
Thanks again!!!
– Robert

– Kyle & Zach
When we initially started looking for a French bull dog we scoured the Internet for a good breeder that was knowledgeable, friendly and patient. It was important to us that the breeder cared more about the puppies, quality, and temperament rather than quantity and just looking to make a quick sale.
We found that with BlueHaven and more! We waited patiently on the waiting list for over a year, not because we couldn’t have other puppies beforehand, but because we were VERY specific about color, gender and the look of the puppy we wanted. BlueHaven never pressured us to take a different color, and never tried to talk us into anything we didn’t want.
While we were on the waiting list we scoured their website and educated ourselves on French Bulldogs, and what to expect when the little one arrived.
We emailed BlueHaven periodically during that waiting period to check in and always heard back from them very quickly.
When it was our turn on the waiting list, BlueHaven had a puppy that was just what we were looking for, we were so excited! BlueHaven couldn’t have made the process any easier. They gave us banking information so we could quickly deposit the funds locally rather than sending a check, and confirmed receipt of the funds that same day. Donna called us and set up a date and time that worked for everyone to have her fly into the airport, and when she arrived we couldn’t have been happier. The gentleman that flew with her was courteous, friendly and very patient while we looked over all the paperwork. We even tried to tip him and he wouldn’t take it, but instead smiled and congratulated us! The entire transaction was seamless and transparent from the beginning.
When Agnes arrived home we quickly found her to be well rounded, very smart (too smart ) and a great temperament. We received an email that same day to make sure everything was going well and asking if we had any questions. We followed all the great advice on BlueHaven’s website and it was such a huge help. The service didn’t stop there! We asked questions afterwards and always received emails back quickly. Donna, Lacey, and Bick always asked about how Agnes was doing and wanted to see pictures, it really showed how much they not only cared about our satisfaction but also that Agnes was happy and healthy.
We went to the vet for her wellness exam and he was impressed that she was so healthy, and well adjusted. He was also shocked that she was a “rare” case that didn’t have any parasites in her stool. She was in perfect health!
We are so impressed with BlueHaven we are on the list for another puppy! As you can see Agnes has a really rough life, and a perfect fit for the family ;). We highly recommend BlueHaven to anyone looking for a wonderful experience purchasing a French Bulldog. We wouldn’t consider using anyone else.

You all were fantastic to work with – professional, caring and responsive. It’s clear that you take great pride in what you do, and we look forward to staying in touch with you for years to come!
All the best!
– Stephany & Taylor

Winchester (now Rugby) update: he is such a good boy and has gone potty in his potty apartment almost every time. Cried for about 10 minutes last night but then slept until 5:30am. He has been a real trooper on the drive – will be 9 hours by the time we’re home. Should be home in about an hour. We love him to pieces and he seems to be happy and adapting to his new life already! Thanks for everything!
– Winchester’s New Family

Quick update. Knight (formerly Marlin) is doing GREAT! I posted a picture on my social media page and EVERYONE is in love with him. He’s received over 900 likes in less than 24hrs …I can’t even get that for myself lol
But back to knight lol…Once we arrived home he played so much…running, chewing on toys, and leaping around like a rabbit until he eventually just wore himself out and fell asleep like a log. He slept well through his first night and has been doing an AMAZING job of using the pee pad ….I am so happy with my purchase. You also may start receiving inquiries lol
– Knight’s New Family

Hi, I hope all is well. Oscar AKA Turkey is doing fabulous. We just went in for his wellness check and shots and he’s doing great! He is Mr. Popular everywhere we go and is doing very well at home. Thanks again for our little boy, you guys do amazing with your Frenchies, I recommend you to everyone!
– Oscar’s New Family

– Adrianna & Jorge
Toro (formerly Jeff) with his new loving family.
“My husband is laughing right now saying that he’s so in love he’s just not even embarrassed to kiss him in public! Hahaha!”
We’ve wanted a BlueHaven Frenchie ever since we found their website, contacted them and realized they were superior breeders who truly love and care immensely for all of their dogs. After getting on the waitlist, we waited anxiously and would always hope that our new baby would be in every new litter we saw! Our hearts nearly stopped when we saw their email about Toro (formerly Jeff) being available. He was everything we ever wanted! They did an incredible job at always keeping us informed on his progress and would indulge me in my numerous requests to see photos and videos of him as he grew!
When we first met him at the airport, I couldn’t be more in love. He melted in my arms and it truly felt as though he knew I was his new mom! Even Ginny said it! He’s even more handsome in person and he is the sweetest, most loving puppy we’ve ever met. You could tell he was so well cared for and loved every minute and it shows through his own personality. My husband can’t stop cuddling with our little boy who we endearingly nicknamed “muscle man.” He is our pride and joy and has made us a little family
We couldn’t recommend BlueHaven highly enough!!
We hope you enjoy the pictures (only a few of the thousands I’ve already taken!) and look forward to sending you updates!

– Ashley & Justin
Hi Bick, Donna, and Lacey,
We hope you are all doing well and getting ready for the holidays!
We just wanted to take some time to update you on Lola (Candy) as she just had her first vet visit this past weekend. First off, everyone at the vet loved Lola! We got many compliments on her, including from our vet. Without immediately knowing about her heart murmur, she classified it as a level 2/3 but leaning more towards 3. We assured her that we had known this and it had gone down from level 4 to 3 when she was still with you. We, of course, are going to continue to keep an eye on it and her growth but she said she looks healthy as can be!
She is about 6 pounds currently. She also received her second DAPP shot and did very well. The vet was very impressed with Lola’s records and your sales contract with us specifically in our situation.
We have been crate training and she is starting to get better with it. We still are experiencing some occasional crying at night but nothing compared to the first week
Potty training was also rough at first but we have really come to learn her schedule and create a routine so its both easier on us and her. We have noticed her teething/biting a lot more last week and are going through that currently. All things to be expected with a new puppy
In terms of Lola’s looks, personality, and temperament…we are in love. When we first met her at the airport, she was even more beautiful in person than in the pictures and video. We love her markings and we always get comments from others about them, too. We have already gotten questions about where and who we got her from As you mentioned to us the first day we got her, she plays hard and sleeps hard! She is so sweet with everyone she meets, including children, which we couldn’t be happier about.
You three have been amazing to work with and we are thankful to have received Lola from such a caring and kind family.
We will continue to update you on Lola but in the meantime I hope you will enjoy these photos of her!
All our best!
PS – Happy Holidays from our new little family to yours!

Our sweet chocolate, Godiva, who is now retired and loving life with her new family!
– Godiva’s New Family

– Erin
“Oh my gosh, she is absolutely perfect! We love her so much!”
Hi Donna, Bick, and Lacey,
Just checking in with a few updates on Margot (formerly Debra). The carrier, Ginny, was very helpful and super nice. She made the transfer of the puppy a very smooth one. Margot seems to be adjusting to her new home nicely. The potty training might be a bit more challenging than I thought, but I realize she is very young and we just need to stay consistent. We actually are using the PTPA as recommended on your website. I have a feeling she will get the hang of it soon.
She is so sweet and so full of personality. I think she is learning her name! We just absolutely love her! I have attached a few of our favorite photos of her so far. I might run out of room on my phone at the rate I am snapping photos. I now have a new appreciation for the 5 week photos posted online. That girl won’t hold still for the camera. haha.
Hope all is well with you!

“We just got Lola (formerly Kennedy) and made it home. Lola/Kennedy did great!! Your carrier, was amazing and we are so grateful. We absolutely love our new baby!!! I will update you soon!!”
“Thank you for sharing your amazing dogs with others. We are overjoyed!!”

Kennedy/Lola had her vet visit yesterday. She did great. The vet said she looks great and thought it looked like we got her from a great breeder She is amazing and is still the easiest puppy we have ever had. Thank you!!!
– Nicole

– Najeeb
Hello Donna and Lacey,
I just wanted to thank you for everything done during the whole process from beginning when we first made our email introduction to the very end when we receive our beautiful little puppy ( Buddy now Bane Blu ).
You truly raise the bar when it comes to customer service. You stayed in contact with me the entire time. You answered all my inquiries no matter how many I had and made sure that I felt confident when dealing with you at such a distance away. Because I was 2 hours difference away in Buffalo, NY it was very nerve wracking knowing I was sending a good sum of money across the country, but because of all the avenues you presented for communication I was put at ease very quickly. You breed some of the best French Bulldogs I have ever seen and the Vet we took Bane Blu to can attest to that. But more than everything, Donna and Lacey, you became a part of my life because of how polite and kind you both were to work with. You are wonderful people! It’s not every day you get to meet decent people like yourselves, especially when it comes to business; but I was happy and truly blessed to be able to cross your path and meet you long distance. Thank you for how thorough you are with everything you do with the business and I look forward to hopefully be able to get Bane a friend from your home if possible. Until then I will keep sending you pics that you love and keep in contact so that we don’t lose touch. Thank you so much!!!!!

Hi Donna and Lacey,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for such an amazing puppy!! He is so easy going and happy! The whole process was so easy and quick !! We are truly blessed. I would recommend you guys to anyone! You kept me informed and answered all my questions. Meeting you both was pretty amazing as well just like your pictures!!! I will probably be contacting you sometime in the future for another puppy!! Otis is amazing I can’t speak highly enough about him!!
Thank you!!
– Laurie

– Marcia & James
Good afternoon, Donna and Lacey,
Brock has settled in well at his new home. He cries a little at night but he eventually falls asleep. He has already learned to go potty outside and has not really had many accidents in the house. He loves to be held and played with. He is still trying to figure out his new living arrangements, he likes to wonder around the house and explore each room.
We took him to the vet last Friday and they said he is doing great. The vet techs loved him, and didn’t want to give him back. He weighed 7.6 lbs. He goes again in two weeks for his DAPP shot.
I wanted to thank you both for always being there to answer questions and being very responsive to our emails. When we were on our search for a French Bulldog I kept coming across your site but I wanted to see if I could find one closer to our home. We did find French Bulldogs in Florida, but I was not as impressed with their sites or even speaking to them as we were with you guys. I also did a little research on some breeders in Florida and found a lot of negative comments on the web. When I researched BlueHaven French Bulldogs, I did not find any negative feedback. That truly made our final decision to contact you. You made us feel very comfortable during the process, walked us through how everything worked, and where always responsive to our questions. We feel like we definitely lucked out with Brock. He’s an awesome addition to our family and I would highly recommend you to anyone.
It was also a great pleasure to meet you, Donna, and your husband, Bick. You can tell you guys truly love this breed and take pride and joy in sharing them with other families. We are looking forward to obtaining another puppy from you guys in the near future.
Have a great day. Enjoy the pics even though most of them are of him sleeping. He sleeps a lot and when he is up, he has so much energy, it’s hard to get him to sit still for a picture. So props to Lacey for being able to do that when he was 4 weeks and 7 weeks. Lol.

– Sara & Justin, VA
Hi Donna and Lacey-
It is about time we sent you an email to let you know how much we absolutely adore Vincent! He is such a sweetheart and has shown so much personality from the first day we brought him home. He is a celebrity in our neighborhood and everyone tells us that he is the most amazing color and easily the cutest frenchie they have seen- and that is saying a lot considering we have countless frenchie neighbors!
He loves playing at the park with other dogs, but also loves to cuddle up with us on the sofa and sleep (and snore loudly). He has a habit of always sleeping with his tongue out- it is so precious, especially when he wakes up and doesn’t realize it is still sticking out.
He has also taken a particular liking to the toy you sent with him on his trip from Utah- a little pink pig/bunny. He sleeps with it in his crate every night and the first thing he does when he wakes up is gets the toy and brings it out of the crate with him.
We have taken hundreds of pictures so it is so hard to pick a few to send, but we’ve attached some of our favorites. We also recently created a Facebook page to share our pictures with friends.
We can’t thank you enough for breeding such an amazing puppy, and for all your help throughout the process. You were both so personable and so kind in taking time to answer our hundreds of questions. We would highly recommend you to anyone, and do so any chance we get!
P.S. Congratulations Lacey on your newest family addition. He is precious!

– Kate, CA
Hi Donna and Lacey!
Since we’re coming up on the one month mark of having Bode, I think it’s time for my testimonial.
To sum it up: He is a dream puppy. Not only is he adorable, but his personality is amazing. He is mellow, fearless, fun, loving, silly, healthy and good with people and dogs. He is just as happy playing with his toys as he is cuddling on your lap. He has become my little co-pilot and everywhere we go he gets LOTS of attention. By lots of attention I mean people crossing streets and stopping in their cars to meet him. We’ve been in many situations where there is literally a crowd of people around him, and he is happy to meet every person. Everyone who meets him falls instantly in love with him. We are in puppy heaven.
I am beyond thankful to have found Donna and Lacey and their amazing breeding program. I looked for a long time for a reputable breeder and found it to be a difficult and confusing process until I found Blue Haven. The one thing that I was always grateful for was the amazing communication they have with their clients. I was never in the dark about what was happening and every step of the process was clearly explained and happened exactly how they said it would. I felt in control of my decisions regarding which puppy I ultimately picked and never felt pressured into any of my decisions.
You can tell from the pictures on their websites that their puppies are adorable, but his personality is an even better indicator of their commitment to breeding awesome dogs. He has never been nervous or scared and has always been receptive to new situations. He is an easy puppy and has made the experience of having a new puppy fun, exciting and worthwhile.
Thank you so much Donna and Lacey for giving us this amazing gift. We love him to the moon and back and are eternally grateful for making the decision to go with Blue Haven.
Best to you!

– Michele
Hello Donna and Lacey,
Thank you so much for the e-mail message. I watch to see what new litters you will be having in the spring from time to time as it will soon be time for me to choose my second puppy! Not sure yet but would likely want blue or blue pied or chocolate or brindle…probably make but not sure. I’ll probably just pick out a cute puppy when I see them like I did with Donna (now Zellie) from Brynlee’s litter. She is lovely and everyone loves her. She is the center of attention wherever she goes and she loves it!
My sister and daughter were the ones who picked her up at the airport. Daniele (my sister) went home to Georgia, but my daughter Colleen loves her just as much as I do.
Some times she spends the week over at Colleen’s house with her two big dogs – she is fearless! She also made friends with my other daughter’s (Mackenzie’s) Husky. She tired him out! Really, the only time I hear her bark is when she is playing with a big dog. At home she has two cats to play with and they are starting to play with her so it is constant hilarity.
We all love her dearly and thank you so much for raising such quality dogs. Here are a few recent pics so you can see how she is filling out (about 11 pounds now) and her coloring is changing a bit (she is getting more little spots).
Keep in touch!

Lisa (now known as “Baby Haven”), from Brynlee & Tanner’s litter, loving life with her new family in WY!
– Brynlee & Tanner

Hi Donna/ Lacey, I just wanted to let you know that Dexter has made me the happiest girl in the world! Today was the first day he had no potty accidents in the house and he sat on command. I cant believe how smart he is! My bull mastiff Titan is slowly warming up to lil-Dex. It is so fun to watch them and all my neighbors are in love!
Here are some fun photos of the last couple weeks….
Happy Halloween!
– Monica

– Jennifer & Brandon
Hi Donna, Lacey & Bick,
It has been 2 weeks since we picked up our bundle of joy from the airport. We have renamed Prince to Ziggy; the name fits him perfectly! I want to first start off and tell you we are so happy with our puppy, he is so sweet and loving, his personality has really started to show and he has already given us some good laughs. He has met numerous dogs in our neighborhood on walks and he’s very friendly with the dogs and humans he meets. We’ve gotten so many compliments on how sweet and good looking he is, needless to say we are proud puppy parents! We are potty training him right now and he goes into his kennel at night with ease and hasn’t had any accidents in his kennel. He also is learning how to sit, he’s got it down pretty well! He’s a VERY smart dog. I brought him into work with me for a half day and he did amazing. My co-workers love him and my boss wants me to keep bringing him in. They were all impressed with how well behaved he is! We are just so smitten with Ziggy and love him more and more each day,
he is a great addition to our family and we are so happy with the quality and the coloring of Ziggy, he’s perfect in our eyes!
To any potential client of BlueHaven:
BlueHaven comes highly recommended in our books! They do an excellent job at keeping in contact with you throughout the whole process. We had our name on the waiting list for about a year before we got a puppy – I suggest if you are interested in one of BlueHaven’s puppies get on the list right away! I had emailed a bunch while we were on the waiting list just asking for updates, they would always respond right away and were always so nice. From the start when we were informed that there was a puppy we might be interested in, to arranging the carrier to bring the dog to us, to the finish of getting the dog, BlueHaven’s communication with us was excellent and we were informed of everything through the whole process. Donna, Lacey & Bick are great people, you can tell by the quality of dogs and their personalities – these dogs come from a loving home and it’s very apparent! Do your research and when you do you will see that BlueHaven is one of the BEST or in my mind the best French Bulldog breeder out there.
Thank you again for such a great experience through the whole process of getting our puppy! I can’t say it enough we are so happy we choose you as our breeder and will definitely be back for another puppy companion for Ziggy in a year or two! I have already had people ask where I got the dog from and I’ve given them your information. We looking forward to continuing to love Ziggy and watching him grow into a handsome adult dog! I will send you more pictures and an update down the road.

Dear Donna and Lacey,
I am writing to say thank you for the absolute blessing that is Chewy. She brings so much joy to our home and is the perfect little sister for Lucca, our older French bulldog. They have become the best of friends and enjoy adventuring together around New York City. We spend our days working at my flower workshop and taking long walks through the city’s streets and parks — she is a real New Yorker!
Thank you for making what has been one of the most important decisions of my life so seamless. Your integrity, patience, advice and warmth were important and made me feel completely taken care of.
Thank you for time you take to thoughtfully match owners and pups — Chewy was the missing puzzle piece to our family and we feel so lucky to have her!
All my best!
– Kate

– Crystal & Kris
Chance (now known as Yoshi) meeting his new family in Texas.
Click on pictures to enlarge and to view full images of Yoshi/Chance.
Hi Donna and Lacey!!
Yoshi is and is doing absolutely amazing! He’s so full of energy, loves running around and being outside, he loves his walks around the neighborhood and is just such a lover
We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect Frenchie. He is everything we wanted and more!!! Yoshi is already fully potty trained and is such a good boy. He’s been everywhere with us this summer!
We took a trip to Idaho to visit my family, he’s been to the beach, the park, everywhere we go. He’s a spoiled boy
Yoshi is growing by the day! His murmur hasn’t stopped him one bit, he is a healthy strong boy! Kris and I will keep you up to date. Thank you so much for Yoshi! He has been such a joy to have in our lives! We love him so much He is perfect!

Mr. Chow (formerly Braven) has been a busy boy. He has been well trained and loves group classes. And he did some Lure Coursing when we worked at Canine Camp Getaway in Lake George.
– Darin & Pamela

Ophelia (formerly Reagan) enjoying her first time at the beach and her new best friend!
Ophelia hardly bigger than her little stuffed pig!
“So we get ambushed every where we go:) people crowd around her, take her picture, she literally has stopped traffic 3 times – people almost have driven off the road due to the cuteness factor! Lol”
– Ophelia’s New Family

Gator (formerly Lincoln) in the arms of his adorable new sister
“We love him so much! My daughter thinks he is a baby doll!”
Update (approx. 6-7 mo’s of age):
Gator is doing amazing! He is the best dog ever… So loving, so sweet and so funny! I swear he thinks he is a bunny rabbit the way he runs and hops around the house and farm! He’s a very happy, happy, happy dog! We absolutely love him. Attached are some recent pictures of him. He’s growing up nicely and his blue color is beautiful! I will be a long time customer of yours for sure and will be buying another dog in the future!
Thanks so much and hope you all are well.
– Gator’s New Family

– Jack & Jessica
Indigo has been great! Very healthy, smart, and loving puppy! And we just love her to death! She has so much character, I often can just look at her and smile and laugh. She is very obedient, knows her name well and comes when she is called. I take her to work with me and she never cries, barks or acts out in any disorderly conduct. I have a hundred pound blue pitbull and the two of them get along beautifully. She actually dominates him at times, especially when it comes to the bone or toy. Which is funny to watch a big pitbull cower to a 25 pound frenchie. However, we do not tolerate dominate behavior and it is something we are working on with her with a trainer. She has never bit anyone or dog but at times has displayed dominate behavior to certain dogs, like barking and growling. But when it comes to people she is such a lover!
And everyone loves her.
The only health issues we have had with her was with her diet. We had her on blue buffalo kibble when she was a puppy and she had the worst gas! I mean it would clear a room quickly!
We tried a few other brands of kibble with no avail. Until we found a brand called “small batch” and they are raw meat patties frozen and then we thaw them and mix in brown rice. The gas has completely disappeared. Indigo is very healthy with a strong bone structure and lots of muscles. A lot of people think that she is part pitbull at first glance because she is so ripped!
She loves playing fetch with the tennis ball. Everyday I take out to the baseball field next to my office and throw the ball for her and she brings it right back like clock work. Something I really never had to teach her, she just naturally picked this up. Loves chewing on her bone, and never anything she not supposed to chew on.
It was very easy to potty train her. We crate trained her right of the bat and we were very vigilant about taking outside often when she was a puppy until she figured out the rules on where to potty. And I think we had less than a handful of accidents when she was a puppy. And none in almost a year!
I am very grateful for Indigo and thank you for breeding such a wonderful dog!
Thank you!

I want to thank you for Blue Lakely! I renamed her Indigo and she is the best dog ever. My fiancé and I just love her to death. She has brought so much joy to our lives. I can just look at her and smile. She is such a clown, the way she sleeps, eats, barks, it’s all very different to what I’m used to seeing in a dog. But hilarious! And loving, such a loving dog.
I get compliments all the time from people who meet her. Everyone loves her. I always refer people to your website.
I attached some photos of her, I have tons more if you would like to see them.
Wish you all the best!
– Jack
We have attached a recent picture of him (he loves his baby carrot treat, making friends with some piglets, running through the water, and after a long day of apple picking he just needs a quick rest!). He is the cutest dog ever! Every day we go for a walk and someone has to come up and tell him how adorable he is. His ears and tongue get the most attention.
Winston loves everyone and everything! He has not barked or growled or nipped any anyone or anything. He is such a happy kind dog. Kids love him and he loves to lick them. He does still jump and that will scare some kids (even though he really just wants to lick), so we are continuing to work on that. A new puppy was brought home to our neighbor’s house and Winston couldn’t be any happier. He is definitely not a dominant dog, he just loves to play. When the other dog wants to wrestle, Winston will just roll over and wait for his turn to attack. The puppy sometimes is a little rough, but Winston doesn’t really seem to mind.
Winston is very active. Our 2 cats hate him but he continues to try to play with them, and they just walk away or swat at him if he gets too close. We walk about 1 ½ miles a day and he gets a lot of play time outside. When he gets inside, he doesn’t stop until bed time. He will make you play with him no matter what you want. He takes his toys and will bump them against you. He has not learned the art of dropping a toy that much; he would rather play tug of war. It’s actually hard to type this because he continues to paw at my hand to play with him. He also loves to run laps in the house and will run right into the sofa cushions, bounce off, and start again. Winston is definitely not shy. If we bring him out with a crowd he will go and introduce himself to everyone and make sure he gets enough attention and kisses, then he will settle down and chill out. He does not bark very often, only when he sees someone outside he wants to visit with or if there is a noise that scares him. Winston is also a very snuggly loving dog. Like we said a few times, he loves giving kisses and nibbling a bit on the ear. We don’t think he has an aggressive bone in his body. He can be eating or playing with his favorite toy and you can go right into his mouth. He won’t growl or even nip at you. He also loves to lay in our arms like a baby and have his belly rubbed. Every night, Winston starts in his own bed, however, as soon as he knows we are asleep, he crawls under the covers and right up where he can put his head on the pillow. Every day Winston makes us laugh. He loves doing sneak attacks – out of nowhere, he will just jump on you and “attack your face” with kisses and nibbles on the ear. He has such a strong personality and we truly believe he does things to get a laugh out of us.
We believe that whatever you did with him before we got him made him the dog he is, his parents, socializing, and all the love you showed him gave us exactly the dog we wanted! We did bring him to star puppy school and he passed with flying colors. We were going to train him to be a therapy dog, however, we don’t have the time to invest, and he is just too hyper right now. Hopefully once he gets the jumping to stop, we can think about it again.
Thank you again for everything you did with him!
– Jen

Blue Bull (now known as Winston)
We are all doing well. He`s so big, 25 lbs! Winston finished his first puppy class and takes his test on Tuesday. Jen is planning on continuing classes with him so he can become a therapy dog. He’s learned so much, but is still a puppy and loves to just play. The picture attached was his first snow day. He loved it! We couldn`t have asked for a sweeter, funnier, and sometimes smellier puppy. Thank you so much!
– Chad & Jen

– Erin
Lexus (now known as Sophie)
I had wanted to own a French bulldog for many years but I also knew that it was extremely important for me to get the right puppy. I am very fond of the blue French bulldogs because their coloring is so unique. As soon as I saw photos of Katie and Darius, I knew that I wanted to have one of their puppies because I knew their puppies were going to be something special.
They both have such good conformation and they have that “bulldog look” that I was looking for in a puppy. When I saw a photo of the blue fawn female from that litter, my heart melted and from that moment on Sophie was mine. Donna and Lacey were so helpful along the way. I got weekly updates and photos of Sophie so I could see how she was growing. Sophie is a very happy and healthy puppy and she is the perfect fit for me. Each time we go to the vet, our veterinarian compliments Sophie and says she has such a good conformation and is a top quality French bulldog. I knew Katie’s and Darius’s genes would pay off! Going to the park or for a walk is quite an event because people stop in their tracks to ask about Sophie. She is very social and wants to say hello and give kisses to everyone she meets. Sophie is such a little clown and she has a great personality. I am the luckiest puppy owner to have found Donna and Lacey and to have been blessed with such an amazing puppy. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone who wants to add a French bulldog to their family. Getting Sophie from Donna and Lacey was the best decision I could have made because Sophie turned out to be exactly the type of French bulldog that I was looking for!

– Erin & Patrick
Stoic and Hiccup (now known as Oscar and Henry)
We purchased both of our French bulldogs from Blue Haven French Bulldogs. Our experiences have been very positive and it was a pleasure doing business with Lacey and Donna. Throughout the entire process they were very friendly, informative, and helpful. They were always prompt and thorough in answering and addressing our questions and concerns.
We were able to visit both the puppies and their parents and spend time with them before making our decisions. We were happy to see that their dogs are raised in a very loving environment with their family and are well socialized. Their facility is very clean and well kept which was important to us as well. I still call Lacey and Donna to ask them dog related questions and they always help me with the same enthusiasm that they had prior to us purchasing the puppies and bringing them home. We would recommend Blue Haven French Bulldogs to friends, family, and others looking for a loving French bulldog companion.

Jordan (now known as Nacho)
When selecting a puppy, we looked at several breeds. We decided on a French bulldog because of the breed’s laid-back and friendly nature. We were thrilled to find a reputable breeder just a short drive away from our home in Salt Lake City, Utah. We emailed Donna and Lacey for several months before deciding to purchase Nacho, fka Jordan, from Ayla’s litter. It was so nice to work with Donna and Lacey. They quickly and honestly answered all of our questions and sent us regular updates on our puppy’s progress. Nacho is a wonderful addition to our home. After leaving Blue Haven, he adapted quickly and was soon right at home with us, lounging in the sunshine and snuggling up to us on the sofa. Nacho loves meeting and playing with new people, particularly children. We credit Blue Haven for his amazing disposition. Donna and Lacey get the whole family involved in raising and loving their puppies. Nacho is also extremely bright, and we are constantly thinking of new commands to teach him. He already knows “sit,” “stay,” “down,” “roll-over,” “shake,” “stand,” “jump,” “up” (sit on your haunches with front paws in the air), and “go into your house” (go into your kennel). We would recommend Blue Haven French Bulldogs to anyone looking to adopt a quality French bulldog.
– Hailey & Andres

Blue Star (now known as Bleu)
We can’t say enough about Donna & Lacey, and our entire experience in adopting Bleu. From our first email, they were patient, and understanding with our myriad of questions. I have to admit, we were a bit nervous buying a puppy from a breeder we had never met, nor visited. But, I have to say we couldn’t be happier with our experience. Donna & Lacey are completely transparent with their operation, happy to answer any question, and you can sense their patience and caring from the first contact. Knowing we were anxiously awaiting Bleu’s arrival, they sent new pictures via text, until we could work out travel arrangements. Also, the carrier that they use is top notch! Bleu was in great hands from the time she left Utah, until her arrival in CA.
The puppy we received, was very well adjusted, she came from a home where she was showered with love, and exposed to children. Bleu even slept through the night in her crate from day one! Which, maybe we were just lucky on that part, but I feel it was a testament to the care she was given during her first 8 weeks of life. We can’t thank them enough, and recommend them to anyone who approaches us about our Frenchie (which be prepared, will happen A LOT).
– Katie & Nick

– Crystal and Nathan
Bryn right at home!
We did a lot of research to find the breed of dog that would work well with our family and lifestyle. Once we determined the Frenchie was our breed we were off to find a respectable breeder that we felt comfortable with. When I found Donna & Lacey I was very impressed with how informative their website was and how easy it was to ask them questions and get quick and clear answers.
We could also tell how much they love Frenchies and are very dedicated to the care and well-being of their dogs. We communicated with them over many months collecting information and deciding if we were ready for a new member to our family. Donna and Lacey made us feel so so comfortable asking any question and made it very easy for us to go and meet them in person so that we could check out their facility and meet them and the dogs. It’s amazing how things turned out, we ended up not getting a pup, rather one of the retired mom’s (dam) and couldn’t be happier. She is amazing and sweet and we love her to pieces. Donna and Lacey (and family) did such an amazing job training and loving Bryn that it was a pretty smooth transition for her and us. Bryn is the perfect family dog; so easy to love, low maintenance and wonderful with our children; even the toddler who is constantly in her face hugging and kissing her. Donna and Lacey made us feel confident with our decision and have continued to make themselves available for questions. Thank you Blue Haven (Donna & Lacey) for helping us find the newest member to our family and for helping us fall in love with the Frenchie!

– Amy
Blade and Cambree (now known as Felix and Chloe) with their new mom
Hi Ladies~
Thought I would send you a quick email to let you know Felix (fka Blade) and Chloe (fka Cambree) are doing quite well. They have been home for almost a month now and are adapting well. They are both so cute and sweet, we just love them so much! Chloe is a daddy’s girl and is a play time instigator! She picks on her big brother, even though she is more than 1 lb smaller than Felix.
Chloe is weighing in at 8.6 lbs and her eyes have turned a forrest green color… she may be one of the cutest puppies I have ever seen (of course, I am biased). Felix is 10.2 lbs and his eyes continue to change, right now they are a greenish-yellow. He is my baby – a loyal little boy already! Both puppies have the greatest personalities and are a joy to play with.
Attached are a few pictures we have taken for your enjoyment. I’ll try to send some more pictures when they are about 6 months old so you can see their development.
Hope you both are well!

– Mary and Kris
Durc and Jonayla from Ayla’s 2nd litter (now known as Odin and Rogue)
Donna and Lacey,
Kris and I wanted to send you an update on our sweet and wonderful puppies Rogue (formerly Jonayla) and Odin (formerly Durc) from Ayla and Samson’s second litter. We couldn’t have asked for two more wonderful puppies! Our petite little Rogue is sweet as can be with the most loving personality. She is eager to please and loves to jump and do “fast puppy” around the yard. She will do just about anything for a peanut butter flavored treat.
Odin is a big laid back boy who loves to chew on his Nylabones, play with balls and take naps in mom or dad’s lap. He is a total goofball and loves to be independent. When it’s time for a cookie though, this boy sits up and pays attention.
Both Rogue and Odin love to play with each other pretty much more than anything in the world (next to hiding under the couch). We are so glad we chose two siblings and it has been amazing watching them grow and develop their own little personalities. They also love people and have started puppy socialization and puppy kindergarten where they enjoy making new friends and learning how to play with the big dogs. Their new best friend is a Rotweiler named Grizz. They have two kindergarten classes left, then it’s on to Obedience 1.
We love our fur babies so much and can’t thank you enough for the love and care you showed them during their first two months of life. They are happy, healthy and of course spoiled rotten. We absolutely love them to pieces and can’t imagine our family without them. I would recommend Blue Haven French Bulldogs wholeheartedly to anyone who is looking for a new puppy (or puppies) to add to their family. Blue Haven was there for us every step of the way and I was 100% confident in our decision to choose them as our breeder. They care about all of their dogs deeply and it shows. If you want a quality puppy from a loving and caring breeder, look no further than Blue Haven! You will not regret your decision to add a wonderful little Frenchie to your family.
Thanks again for everything! We absolutely love them!

Brenna (now known as Fiona) about to pounce on her new boyfriend.
I wanted to let you know what a great experience this has been. Being a breeder myself I couldn’t have asked for anything better. You have gone above and beyond with your breeder program and I am impressed. My vet said she has heard of you and loved Fiona. She even took pictures of her for herself. I will keep you posted on her development and future babies.
Thanks again!!!! We LOVE her!!!
– Tami

– Jaime
Travis (Klein) from Honey
I absolutely loved dealing with both Donna & Lacey @ BlueHaven. They were both amazing. They answered all of my questions and were very helpful, knowledgeable, and walked me smoothly through the process. No sooner would I send an email asking a question, minutes later, I would get a pleasant response.
They are even great now that the whole process has come to an end. I still email them often and have stayed in contact. It’s like they are extended family.
We adopted Travis from one of their previous litters and he is an absolute delight to our family. We have had absolutely no issues with him and my vet was even pleased. My vet actually commented that BlueHaven kept excellent records of the pups while they had them. Not to mention Travis, now renamed Klein was in excellent health.
To secure our spot on the waiting list, we mailed a check to them. Afterwards, when our name was chosen to pick which puppy we wanted, we used PayPal to cover the deposit. For the final payment, we did a wire transfer to their bank from our bank. I was very skeptical of the wire transfer, but Donna and Lacey provided all of the Banks information and were very helpful and walked me through the whole process. They notified me immediately when the wire transfer posted and sent me a receipt. Overall, it was very easy and was a very smooth transaction.
I did a lot of checking to make sure they were legit, as I did not want to be scammed out of a good chunk of money. I did a lot of online research, checked the Better Business Bureau, etc. They had no complaints against them, and I could not find any bad reviews. Not to mention, they would have given me a reference in a minute. It really put me at ease to see all the updated pictures of the puppies and gave me the sense that they were very caring.
Klein is doing excellent now. He is 3 months old and is healthy as can be. He is a beautiful dog. He weighs in at 10 lbs, 2oz. Our vet says he is in excellent condition. He is also very smart and we love him to death. When he was delivered to us, by plane from Utah to Massachusetts, he was very well taken care of (the dog carriers were equally as amazing) and was in perfect condition. He did not have worms, ear mites or any other illnesses or diseases.
All in all, it was a great experience and we would not hesitate to refer our friends or family over to Donna & Lacey at BlueHaven. In fact, we are actually thinking we might adopt another puppy or a retiree in the near future. We already have our eyes on one of their studs.
We looked into a few other breeders, but I am thrilled that we ended up finding Donna & Lacey. I would not have wanted it any other way.
Proud Owner of a BlueHaven Puppy

Hi Donna and Lacey:
Just wanted to update you on Lola (Presley). She is doing wonderful and is a great addition to our family!! Frank (formerly Grant) wasn’t too sure about her at first, but now they are buddies. I have attached some pictures for you.
Thank you again for such wonderful dogs.
– Vicki

– Kristen
Trenton (now known as Lewis) at the office keeping an eye out for who’s naughty or nice!
I can not say enough nice things about Donna and Lacey! I have been wanting a French Bulldog for a few years now. I happened onto their website in April and fell in love with their dogs. The majority of them had the real stocky/bully look that I wanted.
I contacted them first with a few questions and then decided to get on their waiting list. They have always been great about responding to all my questions.
I made the waiting list deposit, the deposit to hold Lewis (formerly Trenton), and final payment by taking checks to Wells Fargo. Donna & Lacey gave me their account info and I was able to make deposits at a local branch into their account. My sister, who also bought a Frenchie, used Paypal for the two deposits and then took her final payment to Wells Fargo. I always sent them a copy of the receipts via email or text so they would have them for their records. They always sent immediate confirmation.
In terms of checking out to make sure they were legit, I really didn’t do any research other than following my gut. I can say that my gut was spot on. Lewis and Frank (my sister’s dog – formerly Grant) are both healthy beautiful puppies. They are well socialized and love all people, dogs & even cats. That they came well socialized is hugely important to us since they both come to work with us. (Along with a Chocolate Lab, Rottweiler, and Irish Setter.)
Our vet came to check them 3 days after we picked them up at the airport. She was impressed not only with the health and condition of the pups but also with how thorough the records and paper work from Blue Haven was. She said she’s seen a lot of Breeder records/contracts and theirs was the best she’s ever seen. She said they do a really nice job and that seeing that told her that they really know what they’re doing. To me, her comments were another affirmation that I made the right decision to get a Blue Haven pup.
Lewis and Frank are both doing great. Lewis sleeps through the night in his crate. I was worried that he would whine about being in there but he really prefers to have his own space when he sleeps. As I said, they’re both office dogs. They play in my office or in the backyard and then take naps behind our desks. Everyone who meets them adores them. How could you not?
Lewis is exactly what I envisioned my Frenchie to be. Sounds cheesy but he’s my dream Frenchie come true.
I promise you, if you decide to get a dog from Blue Haven, you won’t be sorry. Donna and Lacey are both awesome to deal with and their dogs are amazing. My eight year old daughter said to me one day, “It’s not that we just got a dog. It’s like we got new friends too.”
You can not go wrong with a Blue Haven puppy.
Thank you for breeding such wonderful Frenchies! Bucky (now known as Dempsey) is doing fantastic and right from day one settled in to life in Snoqualmie. He is the love of our lives and has brought so much joy to our family.
Our vet is very pleased with his health and at this last 13 week visit he was nearly 10 lbs! His potty training has gone very well using the PTPA and Dempsey even runs to it when he is playing in some other part of the house.
We knew that we would be getting a high quality puppy but he as exceeded every hope and expectation we had when choosing BlueHaven. Thank you for raising him the BlueHaven way and thank you for what we consider the greatest gift to our family in many years! We have taken literally 100’s of pictures of him.
– Kevin, Lisa, Morgan and Max
Beau and Bella met their new vet, he thinks they’re adorable and they’re doing well. In fact we’ve given your contact info to a few people who want a Frenchie. We told them you are the BEST and THE PLACE to get their forever Frenchie.
Beau is my little man and EVERYBODY who sees him falls in love with him. He is SO HANDSOME AND SMART….in fact I call him my little “chunky monkey”. He loves to snuggle and loves to play. He weighs 21 1/2 – 22 pounds.
The vet says they are both perfect weights and likes that they each have a “little waist” and aren’t …as he puts it “sausagy”. Thanks to BLUE HAVEN we have the BEST LITTLE FAMILY EVER!!!!!!
– Carol and Don

“Thank you! Look at my lap babies. Just what I wanted!”
– Jill
Gracie is doing wonderful. She was very easy to housebreak and has slept through the night since the day we brought her home. Usually from 10 pm to about 8 am. Her personality is wonderful, she loves everyone and is best friends with our English bulldog. Gracie has had perfect health.
I started her in obedience class and she is doing just great. The first night we attended the class a reporter asked if he could interview me because everyone was asking about Gracie. Where ever we go Gracie always attracts attention. Attached you will find the article that appeared in the paper. Thank you for such a wonderful puppy. She fit into our household and hearts perfect.
– Bonnie, New York

Bradley (now known as Bruce) from Bryn and Samson’s litter. Does he look like his daddy or what???
– Bradley’s New Family
Bordeaux certainly is the sweetest. She has the best demeanor and is just too perfect. We are obsessed (and perhaps a tiny bit biased), but she has literally improved our lives by 1,000,000. We couldn’t imagine life without her!
– Nicole & Bordeaux
I wanted to let you know how much we’re enjoying Miss Murphy (formerly Ruby). She is such a sweet girl and very smart. She is adjusting well and very curious with her new surroundings and family.
I also wanted to let you know how great Tiffany was to work with – professional, regular communication and so sweet with those pups.
It has been such a pleasure to work with all of you.
– Moira & Miss Murphy
We are wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hanna is pretty steady at 26 Lbs (my sweet petite girl) and Luc is a solid 31 lbs (the linebacker, brute, beast). They are the coolest dogs and make us so happy. And such different personalities; Hanna loves people and wants attention but on her terms whereas Luc is the snuggly, love bug and can’t get enough attention. Thank you for this most awesome companions. Have a wonderful holidays!
– Dee, Ed, Hanna & Luc
Do you by any chance keep the videos that you film? Elijah was born a year ago today. We are celebrating his birthday and would like to share his video that was placed on your web site with family and friends. Thank you for the wonderful puppy lines that you carry!!! Elijah has far exceeded our expectations and has brought so much joy to our family!! If you can help find the video for his litter that would be much appreciated. I believe it’s your son’s birthday too. Happy Birthday to him!
– Claudia & Elijah

Just a quick note to tell you that mini Gemma (Vivi) is doing well! We love her to pieces. She is so sweet, fun and energetic and such a great addition to our family! We are already talking about number two… :).
Hope all is well with you and Blue Haven!
– Lisa, Neil & Gemma

Hello we hope this message finds you healthy and safe. Linus just turned 1 year old on June 2nd. Linus has brought so much joy to our family especially after the year we all had. He is such a sweet boy. He spends his day playing with his little big brother snoopy and loves to cuddle at night while relaxing. He is so gentle with our 6 year old son and loves playing with him as well. On hot days he loves to play in the yard with the kiddie pool. He is so curious about everything while on walks and loves to get attention from every human we pass on the way. We couldn’t of asked for a more perfect pup. Thank you for being such great breeders.
– Pablo & Linus

Lisa and I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for such a beautiful baby girl. Izzy is so smart and loving and she has brought so much joy to our lives. She has a wonderful sweet personality and she is a big time lap baby.
– Cheryl, Lisa & Izzy

We wanted to give you an update on Dr. Dre, who is now Gus! He is doing so well! He loves to play with all of his new toys, and is trying to get his new brother Weston (our cat) to be his best friend. Gus is such a cuddle bug, and wants to be involved in everything we are doing. He has a vet appointment on the 28th, and will then get all of his remaining shots and a complete check-up. Once again, we would like to say thank you so much for our new baby. We already can’t remember what life was like without him. We are including some pictures, so that you can see how well he is doing!
– Elizabeth, Dustin & Gus

– Veronica & Archie

Happy holidays from our family! Thought we’d share a pic/collage of Diego (AKA Tony) as he’s now 1 year old. The picture on the left was taken this morning. He’s grown into a happy, hefty (21 lbs) little guy. Generally very chill, but can hold his own with our 18 month old boxer during play time! Everyone loves him!
– Erik, Joanne & Diego in Walpole, MA

– Barbie, Scott & Willow

– Leo, Carole & Smydgyn & Awluv

I have been meaning to email you all to update you on our sweet Rue. It’s been a whirlwind since we got her, with us traveling, the holidays and then the pandemic. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better time to get a puppy with us both working from home.
Rue is coming up on her first birthday and she’s brought us so much joy! Ziggy loves her, they’re the bestest of friends! He waits outside her crate every morning for us to let her out. Even our two cats have accepted her into the family. She’s spunky, a talker and naughty every once in a while haha. She loves children, we bring her to our friends house to play with their daughter all the time. We love her so much.
You breed the most loving, sweet and beautiful Frenchies, we can’t even begin to tell you how amazing our two dogs are!
I hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy!
– Jenny, Brandon & Rue

Today is a special day. My sweet Violet turns 1 year old today! I am so very grateful to have found Bluehaven. Thank you for caring and loving all the dogs in your care. Violet is gorgeous and sweet and the funniest little girl. She brings me joy every day and has expanded my heart in ways I didn’t know possible. I am so in love!
I did a lot of research when I decided I wanted a dog. I’ve never had one before. Once I determined a Frenchie would be the best fit for me, all my research kept bringing me to Bluehaven. Violet came to me already trained to pee on a pad. She quickly learned to go outside. She picks up tricks pretty quickly… she knows how to sit, lay down, give her paw and hi-five! She loves every person she meets, always wanting to give kisses. She’s very inquisitive and playful. She’s just so much fun! Thank you, thank you! I am a Bluehaven French Bulldog fan for life!
– Tracy & Violet

Things were a little bit crazy when I came to meet Boo back in January. I never really got to say thank you so I wanted to reach out and do just that.
I’m so happy to have been able to take Boo home. I ended up naming her Sophie and I love her so much! The last year was really hard for me with many medical issues and Sophie has helped me so much. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
I have had multiple people ask where I got Sophie and I cannot speak highly enough of you all! She is so adorable and people stop us everywhere we go. I live across the street from a dog park and the last two times we have gone people have stopped and asked to take her picture Thank you so much!
– Eileen & Sophie

I wanted to sincerely thank all of you at BlueHaven French Bulldogs for producing the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful puppy I could imagine. Her temperament and personality are amazing and we are absolutely in love with her. She spends most of per day following me around and sleeping at my feet definitely a mamas girl. She is extremely playful and love to zoomie around the kitchen.
We did go to the vet on Thursday and she is getting her final round of shots and a chip tomorrow. She is in very good health.
Below are some photos of the sleepy girl.
– Jordan & Harley

– Ruth, Joe & Winnie

– Elie & Melon

– Sarah, James & Willow

Wanted to share a quick update on Bo (formerly PT). We absolutely adore him and he is such a good dog. He is my shadow…follows me everywhere! It’s funny because when we first got him, he was so independent and didn’t like to snuggle with us. Now that he is a bit older, he isn’t happy unless he is touching one of us at all times. I’ve included some recent pictures of him…he is so handsome . We moved to Arizona last year and have a huge yard that he and his brother, Gus, love to explore. Bo is fascinated by the birds, rabbits, lizards, etc….he thinks he can catch them!
I also wanted to inquire with you on the process for adopting one of your retired females. I’ve noticed that you have had a couple of retirees available on your website in recent weeks and was curious on the process. We’ve been thinking of adding a female to our gang but not sure that I am ready for another puppy yet!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Nicole & Bo in Arizona

I’m just writing to give an update on Rooney (previously Faline). She is doing great and has settled in nicely to her life in Colorado. She has an amazing personality, is very friendly and sweet. She loves to snuggle and sleep by the fireplace. She will play in the snow if the sun is shining, but if it’s cold/snowing she prefers to be inside under a blanket on the couch. She has become an excellent travel companion. She has been to Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and California so far. She is exactly what I was hoping for size wise so that she can continue to travel with me. She currently weighs 13 pounds at 7 months old. She was spayed this week and is recovering well. Thanks so much for such an amazing dog!
– Jen & Rooney in Colorado

JB (MAC) is doing awesome. He is such a good boy. He sleeps through the night, scratches at the back door when he needs to go out, and already knows sit/stay/come. He loves the boys and we couldn’t be happier with him.
– Kevin & JB

Eric here in Denver, we got Bentley last year in August! Wanted to check in, I’m looking for a Black and Tan girl! Wanted come back to you guys cause we are SOO happy with Bentley!
Let me know, we will get deposit started ASAP!
– Eric & Bentley in Denver

Hello everyone at BlueHaven! I hope you are well. Three years ago (almost to the day!) I brought home one of your Frenchies. He was named Frank from Nilla and Tanner’s Halloween litter in 2015. He has been an amazing companion and my life has been changed for the better by having him in it! He has since been renamed Han Solo and I am so thankful for you all and the great work you have done/continue to do.
– Danny & Han Solo

I just wanted to write and say that Rami is worth his weight in gold. We got him in August of 2015 and I can’t possibly imagine having a better dog than the one you have provided for us. Rami is going to have a human brother/sister sometime in late winter of 2019 and I’ve unfortunately had a few complications that really put me in a bad place emotionally (think angry, frustrated, sad, anxious, etc.) This dog has stuck by my side through all of it. Last night I pulled him up close to me and he licked my cheek and laid his big little head down and didn’t move until I did. I don’t think I could get through this without him. Thank you so much for raising these amazing dogs! I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have him.
– Kayla & Rami

– James, Terri & Ninny

We are most likely too late but if Summer is still looking for a home, we would love for you to consider us. We were fortunate enough to add Mortimer (aka Panther) last year from I believe Summer’s first litter (9/16/16). We never anticipated the joy and sometimes the craziness we added to our home but cannot imagine life without the wild man. He has been a wonderful little man and has collected the hearts of the entire vet practice we go too … which is saying something since they are the regional care facility so they see lots of beautiful dogs. Hope you are all well and we are forever grateful for Ginny’s epic journey last year during the holidays to drop off Mortimer on her way to the east coast to deliver Hillary and Trump.
We look forward to staying in touch.
– Lynnett, Angus & Mortimer

– Kim & Gus

I hope you all had a great holiday season. It’s hard to believe that in April, Cash (formerly Simon) will be two years old! We think of you often as it’s because of you, we have him in our lives. I have a question I thought I’d ask an expert about, and that’s regarding the addition of a brother or sister for Cash. Do you find that Frenchies thrive more when they have a mate? We play with Cash all the time, but wonder if he’d be happier with one of his own around. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Note: Frenchies love their human family, but they also love 4-legged companions since we can not always be with them.
– Johnnie & Cash

We wanted to wish you a very happy holiday season and let you know that Emery is doing fabulous and we are all just so in love with her! She is a very special girl and is living the life of luxury in Northampton, MA, where we currently have lots of snow! She loves running around in the snow and loves the dogs parks and shallow rivers in the warmer weather. We couldn’t ask for a nicer dog and I love that she is my shadow. Thank you for blessing our lives with her.
I hope you and all of your beautiful pups are well!
– Alyce, Odin & Emery in Northampton, MA

Hey everyone! I’m just checking in about Derek. Sorry it’s taken me a while to get back with you! I️ had actually just moved a few weeks before I️ picked up Derek so I’ve been pretty busy getting everything settled. I’ve been calling him Brody and he’s doing great! The vet says he looks healthy and he’s up to date on all his shots.
– Catherine & Brody

Sorry it’s taken so long to get in touch. This year has flown by. Oscar is doing great. Got him neutered about 3 wks ago. He is weighing in at 28 lbs. He is a big boy, not an ounce of fat on him.
I love him soooo much. He is such a character. Very smart. He carries his little bed around the house and plops it down where ever he wants to take a nap. Everywhere I take him people just love him. The girls at our Vet always want me to run some chores and leave him so they can babysit him when I take him in to see them.
I am enclosing some pictures and hopefully in a few months I will have some funds saved to put a deposit on another pup. They are like potato chips, so addictive. This time I think I will hold out for a pied.
– Shawn & Oscar

Here’s one of Cody’s pups. Thought you might want to add this photo to your gallery.
Can’t go anywhere without a compliment….many referrals coming your way.
– Perry & Cody’s Pup

Caitlin & Dumpling

It has been two years since you sent Paxson (aka Jaden) to Alaska for us! We just wanted to drop you a quick note a couple of years later to let you know he is doing well and such a great little boy! He has quite the personality and we love him to death! Thanks again for being so easy to work with! Merry Christmas!
– Reed, Michelle & Paxon in Alaska

– Tori, Tom & Wicket

Klein is doing well.. He is such a snuggle bug. He is huge and thinks that he is a lap dog. We couldn’t picture life without him and thank God that we found you guys everyday. We love our Kleiny-poo! Thought I’d share our Holiday Card (I’ll try to send one in the mail soon!) XOXOX – Happy Holidays!
Randy & Klien

– Andy & Hamilton in New York

I’m constantly impressed by how well he handles new situations. He has gotten along fantastically with family, friends, kids, and other dogs of all sizes. I know you guys give the puppies lots of opportunity to socialize and you can really tell. He is such a good pup! His color is beautiful. Everyone is always remarking on how striking he his and we have to agree.
– Sylvia & Russell

My daughter and I have always thought that French Bulldogs were adorable but we knew very little about their personalities and temperaments before deciding to buy a dog from Blue Haven. When Walter became available to us we were overjoyed and knew that we would learn as we got to know him. Walter continues to be playful and inquisitive but sweet and cuddly. He does not bother our other dogs but loves to interact with them if they will pay attention to him. He sleeps all night in his kennel from about 10pm until about 7am without a peep and is excited to see us in the morning (the feeling is mutual).
I can not say enough about this sweet little boy-he has truly been such a joy. We can’t get enough of him and hope to get him a blue brother in the near future. I am a Blue Haven French Bulldog fanatic now.
-Libby & Walter in Massachusetts

He’s absolutely amazing and has the best personality. We just love him (insane quality). He really is the best. We feel lucky to have him in our lives. I took him to the vet yesterday for his 12 week check-up. Everyone was in LOVE with him. The staff must have said 100 times that he is so beautiful and that they have never seen a bulldog of this quality. Thank you again.
– Stephanie & Smitty

I want to thank you for our wonderful puppy. Her arrival to Chicago was perfect. MJ is now named Morgan, as in Alex Morgan from the US Women’s soccer team. We love Morgan dearly. We go on daily walks multiple times a day and she gets to snuggle with us on the couch after she’s done playing. She is incredibly smart and has caught on to our daily morning routines and going potty on the pads or outside during her walks. She’s doing GREAT, with lots of loves, snuggles and play time. Thank you again!
– Jen & Morgan in Chicago

Auggie has become a very important and upstanding member of our family. We love him so much! He is a big, solid boy and is much loved—for sure;) He gets told how handsome he is ALL the time. He takes it in stride;)
– Roberta & Auggie

– Peter & Monty